winter solstice 2020
This year folks are more attentive to being in tune with and more respectful of Nature. No brainer behavior for even the most dense, right? Given the hellacious challenges of 2020.
Plenty to choose from and here are some of my favorites.
Sandra Ingerman has been sending out the Transmutation News for 20 years. For past issues, go to her site and the archives are at the bottom of that page.
The Shift Network is hosting a four day Winter Solstice Fest, December 18 to 21. The event is chock full of fun stuff — music, presentations, rituals, links, First Nation prayers and offerings.
Finally, take the time to catch the Four Winds three day Earth Keepers Summit with their impressive roster of leading edge scientists and wisdom elders sharing their valuable information.
Let’s come together and honor ancient wisdom traditions as we set a powerful collective intention to manifest a new year of peace, health, and unity. Blessed Winter Solstice 2020 to all!
Originally published at