wealth & poverty | world views
The disparity between rich and poor nowadays is stunning beyond belief.
Basic needs definitions also go beyond money, to include all the things that a person needs in order to survive — including employment and participation in society. Wealth and poverty can be measured in many ways.
Using the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, intended to replace the GDP, it can measure ‘quality’ economic activity by making a subtraction for air pollution and an addition for unpaid household labour for example.
Another method is the Human Poverty Index. This is ranked according to three main areas of deprivation — survival, knowledge, and a decent standard of living.
In the industrial world, where the Index also includes social exclusion, the higher the percentage classified as poor, the greater the poverty in that country.
Recently New Internationalist published, “Equality matters in terms of health and happiness, but surprising new data reveals that it is also better for the environment — in the more equal rich countries, people on average consume less, produce less waste and emit less carbon.”
Conscious living is applying our attention more mindfully and respectfully. Progress and urbanization have costs and consequences that would benefit us more to approach with care and honor.
Thinking and planning beyond personal and individual enrichment for the greater good of more is the better option. For ourselves, our families, our communities, our societies, our countries, and the whole world.
It is human centered nation building. It is a natural and loving way for humanity to prosper and thrive. We are all in this together.
Originally published at changewarrior.blogspot.com on February 22, 2019.