tolerate | celebrate

Bhakti Issa Urra
2 min readDec 1, 2018


shame | pride

blame | acclaim

inadequate | efficient

pathetic | decent

weak | brave

damned | blessed

flawed | beloved

The legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman

Shame means that you are damned. That you have accomplished nothing. Shame is the opposite of art.

Blame means you have trespassed. That you have sinned by omission or overtly. Blame is the opposite of integrity.

Shame or blame turn every emotion into some personality flaw. Every casual choice manifests as a giant mistake. Every small blunder is magnified into a moral failure.

Shame is passive — coating itself in suspicion and embarrassment. Blame is active — using accusation to propel or project its barbs.

Insinuating. Insidious. Infantile.

Designed to fill you with all your iniquities and inadequacies. Feelings of rejection and dejection. Leaving you disillusioned and dejected.

Shame creates imaginary worlds inside your head. You are too young | too old now. You are no longer exciting or important. You don’t matter. You never really did.

A haunted interior created and forged by so much blame. A ghostly place to disappear to and turn invisible. No one to bear witness to what you believe you have become.

Everything has a purpose. Everything happens for a reason. Finding or understanding it does not matter as much as allowing and accepting it.

This may not happen immediately or at once. You may have to mend and heal before you can complete your process.

Do not despair. Dive deep. Dig more. Being human is so worth it.

Everything counts. Every little thing matters. Look at what you have. This is where it all begins. All you have to do is open your self up.

Mine that treasure. It is yours.

Originally published at on December 1, 2018.



Bhakti Issa Urra
Bhakti Issa Urra

Written by Bhakti Issa Urra

canvassing consciousness, constantly curious — ever challenged & changed

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