past tipping points

Bhakti Issa Urra
2 min readOct 27, 2021


Today’s session on the Shaman’s Cave discusses the ability to meet our future self. Given the news of the Amazon rainforest having tipped past salvation — we need all the help we can get.

There is an understanding in many spiritual traditions and sciences like quantum physics that we inhabit multiple realities. On a personal and communal basis how do we make a difference and have the support we need?

In shamanic journeying different choices offer alternative options that impact a variety of our future possibilities. Let us hold the intention of lightening up and growing less dense — together and collectively.

Evolution is a worthwhile state of being yet it’s not an easy or comfortable place to be in. Tested and challenged to stretch and expand — often when we’re resistant or ill prepared.

sandworm & rider — The Art & Soul of Dune by Tanya Lapointe

Like Paul Atreides, the central figure in the Dune universe created by Frank Herbert. Young, displaced, and unsure of himself — his safe Caladan home world lost, moved to the harsh alien world of Arrakis/Dune — all new and unfamiliar, betrayed and left to survive or die.

Frank Herbert warns about society’s tendencies to “give over every decision-making capacity” to a charismatic leader, a hero. Paul himself battles ceaselessly against inner motives and outer driven factors that pull and push at him constantly.

Any of us today all too easily feel the rub and friction of ceaseless and constant change — epic proportions held over daunting obstacles. All the subtlety seems lost — along with any clarity or comfort we strive to maintain through these quantum shifts and leaps — in a roller coaster, run amok world.

What tools would you want for support and help right now? What could aid best in the restoration of our well being? For ourselves, for our world, for our future?

Make your list and let’s get this conversation going!

Originally published at



Bhakti Issa Urra
Bhakti Issa Urra

Written by Bhakti Issa Urra

canvassing consciousness, constantly curious — ever challenged & changed

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