love letter
my heart is pierced
you mesmerize me
I am yours as you are mine
born to you, borne by you
It’s a challenge to not get mired in either religious, romantic or rabid consumer slant we we are sold on every Valentine’s Day. With the advent of Hollywood and Hallmark the story and significance of Saint Valentine has been lost in the fray. Not that that story bore much truth in it either.
Unlike the relative lack of harm in Santa Claus or the Easter bunny, you have to wonder how much damage the saccharine fallacy of this day of love has derailed us all from the true purpose and meaning to the act of loving.
So today I choose to channel ecstatic poets of old and toss off a few loving words of my own. Falling lame and limitedly short of the mark love has intended. I sit absorbed in the artificial blue rays of my digital device.
Heart beating to a virtual world of deluded illusion while out a window Nature beckons — be present to me. Mother I feel you under my feet, Gaia I feel your heartbeat — dancing to the eternal music of the spheres.
Why hello there.
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