House of the Crab
As we move from Cancer into Leo, I wish to acknowledge the advent of another bountiful year in the life cycle of this lune child and crab character. Retreats are my preferred choice for celebrating the occasion.
Here are some birthday photos to go with some words of wisdom from my We’Moon journal.
Your relationship with community is in a long process of being shaken up and freed up. It is challenging and remaking how you know and claim your place in the ecosystems around you.
The beginning of the year comes in with another round of work in the long healing of Pluto opposing Cancer, digging deep in your personal relationships since 2008.
Underworlds have been traversed, cracked foundations exposed, the structures of woundings revealed. It’s been a long road and you’re not at the end of it, but you will be coming out freer, lighter, more alive. It’s not easy to be remade in every way that you love.
While you are in this shake-up, listen to your body.
The dark will whisper its truths loud enough to be heard. Be with those connections that your body signals an unreserved “yes” to, human or otherwise.
Experiment with how you connect with all of life so that you can be fully at home in your own skin, making that the measure of how you are weathering these years of change.
It’s not about the deeply rooted, established home for you just now, though you may have it, though you may love to seek and make it. What frees you comes from outside your usual sphere; what heals you happens in collaboration; what opens your deep oceans of dreaming is found beyond your own door.
You can be tiny, defined by your shell — or you can be the whole ocean.
~ Maeanna Welti © Mother Tongue Ink 2021
Originally published at