god given gifts

Bhakti Issa Urra
3 min readAug 10, 2021


The world is full of pageantry — beauty in infinite forms, outrageously generous gifts — pouring out of the Earth. The planet’s bounty and harvest are our best gifts — its canopy of trees, the richness of our soils, the wilderness, its oceans — all creatures and elements of nature.

graphic design & digital illustration that celebrate nature

The human species is a part of all this, connected and never separate — even if we managed to have grown apart. The separateness, however real it feels — in our concrete cities and boxed up domiciles of convenience and comfort — is a manmade delusion.

The fluidity of our uniqueness, the genius of our beating hearts and mindful souls, our delight and devotion to our loves. These are the divine gifts that move through our bodies, our laughter, the breath we share — our rootedness and connections.

Dumaguete’s planned 174-hectare reclamation under protest
building a back up for Metro Manila — a green & resilient Clark City

Build, build, build! Jobs, jobs, jobs! Work, work, work! Busy, busy, busy! Huff and puff!

The Philippines’ most indolent, idiotic and idolatrous government to date — and we have had the unfortunate curse of more than we care for — chose the motto, Build! Build! Build! Its overall substandard performance does not invite trust or confidence. Many believe it’s yet another cover up for all their thieving operations.

Duterte’s wild claims on Facebook
Build! Build! Build! projects on Instagram

With grand claims and poster images to detail where borrowed billions are being spent — on high impact projects envisioned to improve the economy, increase incomes, invite investments and increase employment.

Yet their posted website — http://build.gov.ph/ — is just a showy place holder. A closer look at its list of projects show that most were initiated by the previous administration and paid for by their allocated budgets.

former US bases conversion & development
Dumaguete “Smart City” reclamation & project protests

The current three trillion dollar global loan now for pandemic relief has not been liquidated properly either. A lack of accountability, lots of finger pointing, and much gas lighting have only served to aggravate matters.

Instead they poured dolomite on a miniscule beach front in Manila Bay where the whole world and our toiling masses could see for themselves how the tide and floods have washed this wasted effort away much too quickly. Now they want to turn Clark Base, Dumaguete’s waterfront and Manila Bay into something similar to the Dubai Palm Island.

Palm Jumeirah Island, Dubai featured in View Dubai
China’s City of Pearl project on Manila Bay

Dubai lies directly within the Arabian Desert — with a topography significantly different from that of the southern portion of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) — much of Dubai's landscape is sandy desert while gravel deserts dominate the rest of the country.

Unlike Dubai's desert environment and oil rich substrata, the Philippines is a lush equatorial rain forest of over 7,500 tropical islands — richly thriving oceans, and unique wildlife — a highly sensitive and biodiverse ecosystem that is fast disappearing in the wake of greed and corruption.

NASA time-lapse of Dubai’s growth at one frame per year from 2000 to 2011
Google Earth time lapse of Metro Manila from 1985 to 2016

There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness. ~ H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

We have the opportunity to reach into the heart of the spiritual core that lights up our souls. To bring it from creative interior fires and out to the whole wide world. How we choose to do so is crucial to the survival of humanity and the nourishment of nature.

Originally published at http://changewarrior.blogspot.com.



Bhakti Issa Urra
Bhakti Issa Urra

Written by Bhakti Issa Urra

canvassing consciousness, constantly curious — ever challenged & changed

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