gifts of Gaia
“We present this song in gratitude to the elements that give us life, and to all peoples of the world who are working together to unite, honor and uplift our voices, songs and prayers on behalf of our beautiful Mother Earth.” ~ Chenoa Egawa & Alex Turtle, Song For The Sacred Elements
The time has come to unite as one, to embrace the earth in a circle of love, to honor all creatures of the world, to pay tribute to the sacred elements of life.
We are all connected and it is in looking within rather than being outwardly directed that we gain intimate knowledge of our being. In the dark and nourishing womb at our core we deepen our states of consciousness and connect to infinite fields of energy.
Beyond the limits of ego we dive into a vast and endless well of oneness, eternity, and light. Allowing spirit and heart to intuitively guide us past self imposed limitations of consciousness towards oneness and wellbeing.
This journey through the dark night of our soul destroys ego and beliefs that derail us. Creating an expansive space to sift and shift through the chaos and the rabble built up around us. Birthing us anew — past death and dissolution — reawakening in love and light.
The ideas and feelings that form them, words springing out of Indigenous experience, Native American experience, mixed blood experience, non-Indigenous experience, and the stories that rise up through all our histories together.
My aim is to further our understanding of the human condition through close examination of our time, of how we got here, of what we’re doing now, and of where we have the possibilities to go from here. ~ Stan Rushworth, author, professor of Native American Studies, Cherokee Elder
Originally published at