food for thought
They’re giving away Michelin stars like a bowl of air puff mints on the way out the door. Gourmet or gourmand more is not better folks. If it were so easy to attain that star what’s the point of jostling for one? All the subtlety has gone out of our world — a dire sign of the times.
We’ve become so jaded. what an Iron Chef circus! Zap our taste buds to kingdom come. Blow our minds with unheard of concoctions. Overwhelm us with presentation and ambiance. Turn the meal into such a production number we can’t even remember how it tasted.
When did the joy of an easy simple dish lose its flavor? Appetites turned voracious and insatiable are sickening and have degraded many in the elusive chase for the next best thing.
Remember the furor over the best restaurant in the world? It had garnered the best reviews. The waiting list was an impressive year long line before a reservation could even be made. The whole thing turned out to be one big hoax.
How Kardashian indeed! Egg on your face — a true disgrace. Boohoo to you. A true cautionary tale for foodies and fools alike.
The challenge then would be to create the world’s most subtle tasting yet irresistibly delicious and delightful dish. A recipe to waken the senses and feed even the most outrageous voracious appetite. Make it so the only way to taste it would be to settle serenely into oneself.
Stripped down to essentials. Drive off distractions and desires. Erase all expectation.
Boil, bubble and toil to create this magical wonder from scratch. Making the time to cook it all in one tender drawn out process. Let it sit to cool down and infuse itself in all its flavors. Serve it in isolation out in nature among the elements. High up on the tip of a verdant outcrop.
Nowhere near anywhere. Disquietingly peace drenched.
On a table of roughhewn boards a plain white bowl sits buried in a bed of crushed ice. Presenting a picture of a placid crystal pool. Floating in the clear broth are slivers of almost invisible noodles fine as hair. Entwined among the palest white slivers of leeks. Topped by a dusting of fresh ground salt and pepper.
Sit and breathe in its cool bright freshness. Lift the lip of the bowl to yours with care. Take a tiny testing sip just for taste. Be transported.
Originally published at