feeling like a don
Trump | unloved & unloving
Every citizen of the United States of America is affected by Donald Trump. Whether we voted for him or not we are stuck with him for now.
This recent rally of his in North Carolina was yet another powder keg. Setting off fireworks in many camps and dividing an already fractured country even more.
“Send her back” echoed Trump’s widely criticized tweets from over the weekend, when he said Ilhan Omar and three other congresswomen of color should “go back” to their home counties, where the “governments are a complete and total catastrophe.”
It was just so wrong on so many counts. 😭 We need to be better than opting to chant derogatory insults like #SendHerBack.
Typical of the Donald to ignore that fact that these same women are not just American citizens, they are elected officials of this country too.
It is hateful behavior and demeaning to all human beings when our country’s leader is such a petty puny tyrant. Picking away at so many with utmost impunity is an absolute abuse of authority.
Whatever this buffoon expects to achieve by such dastardly behavior stumps us all. Even his own party’s most expert spin artists have failed miserably to cover his fat ass and potty mouth.
Every waking day in office he poisons our well. Long after he is dead and gone we will have all his horrors to recount. Whether we can outlive them or heal the rifts of this nation will really be up to us.
Not him. Never the likes of him.
Originally published at http://changewarrior.blogspot.com.