dream into being
dream big (Moon/Neptune)
dream smart (Pallas/Uranus)
dream true (Sun)
my Virgo star child
your time
your vortex
manifest who you are
weave your purpose
paint your dream
true to you
true for you
truly you
Happy Glorious Birthday, Mahala! Sweet child of mine.
This week’s Pisces/Virgo Full Moon began with the Leo New Moon on August 18, the 100th anniversary of the passing of the nineteenth amendment that gave women the right to vote. As those women paved the way for us — don’t get mad, get creative!
The New Moon in Leo offered us a chance to become the best version of ourselves while this Pisces/Virgo Full Moon offers us an opportunity to contribute our gift in the service of our world. Shine your light bright wherever it is needed!
The heavens definitely aligned to birth you most auspiciously. Marking your special day with your very own fireworks in the sky — the Alpha Aurigids (206 AUR) meteor shower. One of the rarest sightings, from the Aurigids parent comet which passed the Earth about 2000 years ago- at it’s highest rate it produced over 100 meteors per hour.
Prompting NASA to launch the Aurigids Multi-instrument Aircraft Campaign (Aurigids MAC). A collaboration of 24 scientists from different countries lasting from August 30 to September 2 — fully armed with visual, triangulation, and spectroscopic observation methods.
Your brand of special for sure, dear star seed! May this orbit bring you much love and light, sweet star.
Originally published at http://changewarrior.blogspot.com.