divine mapping

Bhakti Issa Urra
3 min readOct 12, 2022


The 10:10 gateway is significant because it marks a turning point in human history. As we move from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius this portal can accelerate the process. The lower frequency energy of fear in the Piscean Age has been used by some to control, disturb or even try to stop humanity’s ascension.

celestial map depicting Pisces & Aquarius constellations

While the new energy of the Aquarian Age is one of love and union. As the lower energies crumble and fall away the 10:10 portal allows us to raise our vibration, increasing our frequency to connect with our higher destiny and realize our soul purpose.

The number ten has much power — it is seen as a higher octave of one and represents new beginnings, completion, and perfection. For the next ten days focusing our time and energy on this activation is highly recommended.

Magdalene with the Smoking Flame” — Georges de La Tour. c. 1640 (Louvre, Paris)

The magical 10:10 gateway is also associated with opening divine feminine energies. In alignment with Mary Magdalene whose presence in the Aquarian Age gains strength. As she is a leading ascended soul assigned to guide us into a New Age of Light.

The Roman Catholic Church has only admitted five years ago that it was wrong about Mary Magdalene and sainted her — finally acknowledging she was no harlot. Ascended Master Mary Magdalene works with the energies of the Divine Feminine — she is both Light Bringer and Temple of Christ Consciousness.

mandorla art of Christ in Majesty or Glory

It is said she has lived many lifetimes, among them that of Sarah, wife of Abraham, who was also El Morya. Mary Magdalene has only recently taken on the mantle of the 12th ray in service to humanity, which was over souled by Pallas Athene.

As we enter the new age, the Magdalene has taken on this mantle to assist humanity to align to their Christed nature and to make this manifest on the Earth. In the new Age of Aquarius it is time for the Divine Union that was anchored on the planet through the hearts of Mary Magdalene and Jeshua to be made manifest in the hearts of humanity.

Noli me tangere (c. 1512) by Titian

Call on her when you are ready to manifest the divine mission of your soul and need strength and endurance. She hears all the calls of humanity.

Originally published at http://diywellbeing.blogspot.com.



Bhakti Issa Urra

canvassing consciousness, constantly curious — ever challenged & changed